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What Does the Bible Say about Evangelism?
There is a gift of evangelism, and we should be grateful for those to have it, but all believers are called to be faithful in sharing their faith.
The Church’s Most Powerful Witness to the World
God is using the power of the church’s shared witness in remarkable ways all over the world.
Why All Christians Can (and Should) Share the Gospel
Opportunities abound for sharing our faith. Things are happening all around us that cause people to ask religious questions.
10 Things You Should Know about Evangelism
10 foundational truths to consider about the biblical call to share the Gospel to the ends of the earth.
Personal Evangelism for the Planter and the Church Plant
If evangelism is to be woven into the fabric of the life of a new church plant and its pastor, it takes some thought and planning.
Forum: Perspectives on Heaven from the Persecuted Church
We asked pastors around the world this question: "How have you encouraged Christians experiencing significant persecution with the hope of heaven?"
4 Reasons You Should Preach through 1 Corinthians
Let me give you four reasons why it’s worth it to preach through 1 Corinthians.
Churches in the United Arab Emirates: Lights in the Desert
Through the faithfulness of Christian doctors a generation ago, God gave churches favor in the eyes of the rulers of a nation in the heart of the Middle East. Through the recovery of one church, now many healthy churches are springing up in this desert country.
9 Marks of Healthy Missions
The best thing you can do for missionaries is to make sure you keep your church healthy. They can’t do the work there if churches are unhealthy here.
The Problem with Evangelistic Programs
A strict diet of evangelistic programs produces malnourished evangelism.
Definitions: Gospel and Persuade
The gospel is the joyful message from God that leads us to salvation.
How Should We Define Evangelism?
Evangelism is teaching the gospel with the aim to persuade.
Nine Marks of a Healthy Parachurch Ministry
A healthy parachurch ministry knows that it exists primarily to protect the church.
We Never Arrive Before God: Missionary Hope for Hard Places
If you feel called to serve in an especially hard or hostile place, or you’re praying for someone called to one of those places, remember that God always arrives on the mission field before us.
The Awkward Duty of Encouragement: How Men Strengthen Other Men
If you are a man, who is the last brother in Christ you encouraged? Why don’t we give uplifting words to other men more?
‘Give Me Nineteen Men’: Muslim Missions Twenty Years After 9/11
Mack Stiles and his family boarded a plane for the Middle East just weeks after 9/11. After two decades, he reflects on missions to Muslims since the towers fell.
What Could Be Wrong with ‘Church Planting’? Six Dangers in a Missions Strategy
If we prize depth over breadth, we may not spread the gospel far. If we prize breadth over depth, we leave churches vulnerable to error and heresy.
Awkward Is Better Than Silent: Finding Courage for Missed Opportunities
If you find yourself afraid to share about Christ when opportunities come, remember that awkward is always better than silent.
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